Students of the Lin 23-24 group, Ibraimova Aiym, Mamat Farangiz and Sovetbekov Askhat, went to Munich, Germany, to represent the youth movement "I love Kyrgyzstan". Since 2018, the movement "I love Kyrgyzstan" has been actively implementing exchange programs for children, youth and youth workers between Kyrgyzstan and Germany. These programs are carried out in partnership with BJR German Youth in Europe (djo) and the public organization EastWest.
The aim of the project is to unlock the potential of Kyrgyz youth and increase their civic engagement. The exchange program promotes professional growth, broadening of horizons and development of an active life position in young people. Such initiatives help students decide on their future profession, acquire new knowledge and skills, and also get acquainted with the culture and experience of youth organizations in Germany.
Данный проект играет важную роль в становлении молодых активистов и способствует развитию молодежного движения Кыргызстана.