Guest lecture from the famous teacher Gapyr Madaminov

On September 13, 2024, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, laureate of the Order of Manas Madaminov Gapyr Mamatkulovich held a guest lecture-master class at the AIU on the topic “Organization of independent work of students through the culture of intellectual work”.

At the lecture, G. Madaminov, whose fruitful and creative work inspired film director Ruslan Akun to create the famous TV series “Agai”, presented the discipline “Culture of intellectual work”, spoke about its sections and strategies for effective learning.

Inspired students listened to the lecturer with great attention, asked questions and actively participated in the discussions. During the master class, Gapyr Madaminov used various interactive exercises. In particular, the issues of time management, concentration and learning foreign languages were discussed. According to the lecturer, the key skill is mastering the “art of learning”, which is the basis for successful self-education.

The interactive nature of the event and the exchange of ideas provoked a lively response from students, stimulating their further intellectual growth and enthusiasm for independent work.

We express our gratitude to Gapyr Mamatkulovich for the informative lecture and wish him further success. We also thank the Department of Pedagogy and the head of the department, Zhyldyz Takenova, for organizing this event.

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