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Natalia Mayatskaya – the first AIU student to receive two diplomas as part of the Dual Degree Program

AIU pays special attention to the development of dual degree programs, which provide students with a unique opportunity to obtain two diplomas from two countries, expanding their horizons of education and career opportunities. 

Recently, a historic event took place at the university – Natalia Mayatskaya, a graduate of the Faculty of Computer Science of the AIU, participated in the Dual Degree Program and received two diplomas at once during her undergraduate studies. She studied at the AIU for two years and at the Hof University of Applied Sciences in Germany for two years. Returning with excellent results, Natalia shared her joyful impressions:

I was lucky enough to become a participant in the Dual Degree Program, which provides a unique opportunity to study free of charge at a German university in English. Thanks to this program, I was able to develop my language skills and make sure that Ala-Too stands at the level of European universities. I am sincerely grateful to my university for the opportunity not only to study, but also to work and live abroad. Without AIU, I would not have been able to get to know such a huge world. Special thanks to my faculty and lecturers for their constant motivation, support and confidence in my abilities. And in the end, everything worked out!

Natalia Mayatskaya

Congratulations to our graduate on receiving two diplomas thanks to the Dual Degree Program. Her diligence, perseverance and dedication to learning inspire us all to new heights!