On April 27, 2024, the AIU hosted the annual Model UN for schoolchildren, organized by the IR Club and the Department of International Relations. The purpose of this event is to train participants in diplomacy and problem solving skills, as well as to strengthen their knowledge in the field of world history and politics.
The event was attended by 66 people, of whom 54 were delegates, and 12 were members of the Presidium, such as the Chairman, co-chairman and secretary. Also this year, 2 students from Uzbekistan took part in the UN Model.
The UN Model included 4 committees with agendas drawn up in three languages:
- The General Assembly (in Russian) is the development of a system for the ethical use and development of Artificial Intelligence.
- The Security Council (in English) – The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: a cease-fire in Gaza.
- UN Women (in English) – Generative Artificial Intelligence and new forms of gender-based violence on the Internet: prevention and persecution.
- UNEP (in Kyrgyz) – The crisis of water resources management in Central Asia.
Three participants from each committee were nominated as the best delegates who distinguished themselves in their work and the best position papers. At the end of the event, the winners of the nominations and members of the presidium were awarded gift certificates from Kettik, Kulikovsky, IQ bookstore and Raritet companies.
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