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The IT & Business College team won the 2nd place in design at the championship

From May 31 to June 2, 2024, the Republican Championship “Kyrgyzstan 2024” in programming and graphic design for students was held, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region.

The IT & Business College “TENIR” team took the second place in the field of “Graphic Design” and received a cash prize of 15,000 soms. Members of the “TENIR” team – students of the “Graphic Design” department Sara Mamatazimova, Islambek Azhybekov, Kymbatybek kyzy Tatyna, Abdykaarov Tilek and Nishanaliev Nurzhigit chose the theme “Development of culture and heritage of Kyrgyzstan”. They coped with three main tasks: creating a poster, website or interactive banner and animation, incorporating cinematography, fashion and art into their work, demonstrating the evolution of culture.

“We created a video clip in which a girl in Kyrgyz national clothes stood against the background of a field. Then цу showed a modern girl in fashionable clothes looking at her phone with the message “Preserving traditions, we are stepping into the future” and she puts like to this message. We presented our tasks under the brand “Salt” (Tradition), developed a logo from Kyrgyz runes to show the relationship between modernity and traditions, as well as a poster demonstrating how the present and the future can go hand in hand. Thus, we have shown how culture and its influence have changed.

This championship has given us punctuality skills and an unforgettable team experience. Each team member had their own responsibilities: developing the design of each material, conveying semantic details, creating harmonious effects and other important aspects. Despite the limited time, we were able to present a full-fledged product in front of the jury. In a short time, we demonstrated our design skills and achieved excellent results. We would like to thank our mentor Andrey Ermakov, who supervised the entire preparation process and supported us at all stages.” - noted students.

The championship was an educational, project and communication forum aimed at solving urgent problems in the fields of “Mobile application development”, “Web technologies” and “Graphic Design”. The Championship was organized by the Independent Accreditation Agency “Bilim-Standard” together with the KNU named after Zh. Balasagyn.  

Congratulations to the “TENIR” team on their victory, and we also express our sincere gratitude to the lecturer Andrey Ermakov for the constant support of our students!