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New achievements in scientific journals EJBE, Alatoo Academic Studies

Science is the main driving force of human development and the future. It allows us to explore the world more deeply, make new discoveries and change it for the better. The scientific journals EJBE and Alatoo Academic Studies of the AIU also make significant contributions to the scientific community by supporting this mission. According to the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC) for 2023, the journals have demonstrated outstanding results. The Impact factor of the scientific journal EJBE increased by 0.667, and the Impact factor of the journal Alatoo Academic Studies increased by 0.535. These achievements further strengthened the reputation of the journals, establishing them in the first and second places among the scientific journals of Kyrgyzstan.

It is important to emphasize that the scientific journal Alatoo Academic Studies, published at AIU since 2006, has successfully published the best scientific articles from leading experts in various fields of science. When preparing scientific articles, authors must fully comply with the high standards and requirements set by the journal. The journal accepts scientific articles in four languages: Kyrgyz, Russian, English and Turkish.

The process of accepting scientific articles implies strict control and cooperation with the authors. Each scientific article undergoes a mandatory uniqueness check through the anti-plagiarism system and is published only if it meets the requirements. The opinion of the editorial board is also given great importance in the publication process. 

A significant contribution to this success was made by the university and the authors who published their articles in scientific journals. The highly professional approach and commitment to science of all participants in the editorial process and researchers contributed to strengthening the position of journals and their recognition in the scientific community.