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AIU Alumni Meeting 2024

The Alumni Meeting has become an important tradition and an integral part of the university community. On September 14, 2024, a traditional alumni meeting was held on the territory of the AIU, organized by the Public Association “Ala-Too Buturuuchuloru”.

Both long-time and recent graduates came to the meeting. The speakers made a welcoming speech, and the organizers told about the mission of the Public Association “Ala-Too Buturuuchuloru”. Former students shared their impressions and were happy to plunge back into the atmosphere of student days. Zamir Ayilchiev, one of the AIU graduates, a national consultant expert of the Anti-Corruption Business Council under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, noted:

“The atmosphere at the university is very pleasant. I can say that the education system is inclusive, because professors are comprehensively developed. It can also be noted that AIU holds leading positions in the rankings of universities in Kyrgyzstan, which is the overall success of the university and the result of great efforts by its leadership.”

Also, an AIU graduate Elnura shared her impressions:

“I am proud to be a graduate of Ala-Too, as I received a diploma that meets international educational standards. I am currently working as a coordinator of the Social Service Federation in Belgium. Since the training was conducted in English, it was easy for me to learn French and Dutch. I always think of my university when I go to work, based on the knowledge I gained there. We still maintain close contact with AIU graduates. I want to thank the lecturers for their hard work, as well as the organizers for the invitation.”

organizers for the invitation.” Concert programs and intellectual games were also organized during the event. Kamchybek Narmatov, director of the Public Association “Ala-Too Buturuuchuloru”, noted that the purpose of the event is to strengthen relations between graduates and the university, as well as to inform about the activities of the association. 

This event allowed former students to share their successes, strengthen old ties and create new ones. Such meetings contribute to strengthening the university family, uniting different generations of graduates and maintaining the spirit of unity and belonging to the educational institution. We express our sincere gratitude to all graduates for the visit and to the organizers for the successful holding of the meeting.

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