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Students’ success in the BRICS competition

The participation of university students in various competitions at the national and international levels contributes not only to the development of academic skills, but also distinguishes them from the crowd. AIU students are a living example of how participation in such events opens up new opportunities for professional and personal growth, broadens horizons and develops critical thinking.

Students of the IT Faculty Cholpon Khalibayeva, Mairam Kenzhebek kyzy and Nursultan Kurmanbekov took part in the BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 International competition on the competence of “Graphic Design”. Also, Adilet Usenkanov, a student of the IT & Business College, participated in the competence of “Web Technologies”. 

Among the participants, Cholpon Khalibayeva took 3rd place in the overall result and 1st place in the national standings. Mairam Kenzhebek kyzy received silver according to the national rating and Nursultan Kurmanbekov took 1st place in the “Drone” competence among the participants of the remote format. Adilet Usenkanov won a gold medal in one of the categories within the competence of “Web Technologies”. The curators of the participants, Andrey Ermakov and Artur Davletshin, made a significant contribution to their success.

Cholpon Khalibayeva: “The main task was to create visual materials, including design layouts and illustrations for various tasks. The competition made it possible to improve the skills of working in graphic editors, develop creative thinking and the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions. This experience has increased my level of professionalism and taught me how to work in a limited time environment, which is very important for my future career. I want to thank Andrey Ermakov for his constant support.”

Adilet Usenkanov: “I developed websites using content management systems, server applications and configured the server. There were difficulties, such as lack of time – three hours for each module, which is very small, as well as an unstable Internet connection. But despite this, I managed to complete all the tasks in a timely and accurate manner. I thank my supervisor for his work.”

BRICS Future Skills & Tech Challenge 2024 is an international competition for advanced technologies and skills, which took place from September 22 to 27, 2024. Congratulations to our students and wish them further success!