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Visit of AIU representatives to South Korea

From October 1-3, 2024, representatives of the AIU, represented by Vice-Rector for Administrative Affairs Seyitbek Tillekov and Director of the International Relations Office Edil Konogaliev, made a working visit to South Korea.

During the visit, they took part in the Global-In Gyeongbuk Gumi Education Forum 2024, which was held at Kyungwoon University, Gumi City. The topic of the forum was “Embracing Digital Transformation: Bridging the Skills Gap in Education”. In addition, the AIU delegation visited such leading tech companies as Samsung and Geri.

The purpose of the visit was to strengthen cooperation, discuss internship opportunities for students, as well as participate in an educational forum. AIU expresses its sincere gratitude to the partners for the warm welcome and constructive dialogue.

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